Not Ashamed Prayer Warrior Revival Game Plan

  • Pastor Michael D. Smith
  • May 15, 2020

  1. Make a commitment to meet with one or several women in order to bring about revival. If possible, meet once per week. This might mean some other activities might have to be changed or eliminated. Meet with people that are in close proximity to the city or township you are praying over.
    (Each group should have a servant Leader)
    When you meet, don’t spend much time on fellowship and sharing, now you are gathered for spiritual warfare. I recommend no snacks, only water and maybe coffee and tea.

  2. Open in prayer and then worship together with two or three songs. Before you start, invite the Lord Jesus to be enthroned on your praises. Realize your worship is very powerful and is opening the heavens, and making a direct connection into the Throne room of God.

  3. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your conversation, to give you wisdom, to teach you, to show you things to come, to lead you in all Truth, and to glorify Jesus (these are His promises). Ask Him to expose any darkness or unforgivness in your heart and repent being open and honest with one another.

  4. Decree/Proclaim and release the power of God over your region (page 87 The Final Battle Book). Take dominion and authority!

  5. Pray for those in leadership in your community; school boards, city council, mayor, police chief, and those in positions of influence. Pray their decisions will honor God. Pray they see the truth as to the wickedness around them.
    This is not a “prayer chain.” Prayer chains are good things, but we need laser-focused prayer directly tearing down principalities of darkness. This is about dominion, placing our enemy under our feet.

  6. Write down what the Holy Spirit shows you. Believe for a prophetic anointing.

  7. Pray about getting involved with school boards, city council, mayor, and different organizations that will give you a platform to stand on the Word of God and Godly principles, creating a region of righteousness under the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ.

  8. Be an influencer through community events and other avenues.

  9. Stand strong for Traditional Values and the Word of God.

  10. Encourage other women to start a small group following this same format. I recommend keeping the group small, maybe up to 7 women. Bring in young women, and teenagers. Several groups can be praying for the same community.

  11. Pray for more groups to spread all over the four counties of this region called "The Thumb." Stay connected with these groups. These will all be under the Not Ashamed Rallies movement.

  12. Look for anyone being harassed or abused because they stood up for Traditional Values either at school or work or in their community. Gather around them and encourage them, fight for them. Never be rude, angry, call names or get too emotional. Remember: just because you disagree with someone, it doesn’t make you a hater.

  13. Be involved with Not Ashamed Rallies and help pass out the book “The Final Battle: America is Divided and the End-of-Age Final Battle has Begun”

  14. Encourage every person in your group to be planted in a local church, not an on-line church.

If you need help getting connected in a prayer group, please let us know.
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